Potential CBD Effects: The Ultimate Guide
Nov 1, 2022

CBD oil products are rising in popularity as a natural remedy to promote better health and wellness. Although hemp has been used safely to promote health since the beginning of human history, only lately has CBD been recognized as part of a daily regimen to support a healthy lifestyle. People’s curiosity about the non-intoxicating benefits of CBD is growing along with questions about any potential effects of CBD oil.
If you’re starting your CBD journey and you find yourself searching to learn more about CBD oil products and their health effects, it’s important to understand what it’s primarily used for and what you can typically expect after taking CBD hemp oil.
As the research on CBD continues, clinical trials are being conducted to test its ability to improve overall health and for treating medical conditions. However, PlusCBD is a supplement and not considered a cure nor is it a medical treatment for health conditions or disorders - but it may support better sleep quality, a healthier inflammation response, and mental balance.
Along with its benefits are potential adverse health effects to consider when using these cannabidiol products, whether in the edible form of CBD gummies or in its liquid form of CBD oil drops . Many of the clinical studies come from the use of Epidiolex, an isolated CBD drug used for treating certain rare forms of epilepsy, and these studies use high doses of CBD. There are adverse health effects noted from studies done in patients consuming these high levels of CBD and these are:
• Dry mouth
• Drowsiness
• Fatigue
• Gut discomfort
• Reduced appetite
CV Sciences PlusCBD products provide lower levels of CBD and have not been associated with the same adverse health effects. In addition, Plus CBD is a full-spectrum hemp extract that includes the minor cannabinoids, the terpenes, and the fatty acids. We have conducted pre-market safety studies on our hemp extract and have analyzed and published an extensive post marketing safety study.
Out of 5 million products sold, only 0.03% people – or ~1400 customers - reported any problems, the most common being mild and self-limiting. Despite the strong safety profile of full spectrum hemp extracts, we always recommend that you talk to your primary health provider before starting any dietary supplements, including CBD products.
Potential Drug interactions
This is one of our most common questions. And again, we stress that the best person to talk to is your pharmacist and primary care provider who knows your medical history and prescription medications.
We know that high levels of pure CBD can lower the activity of certain liver enzymes known as the cytochrome P450 enzymes. These are an important class of enzymes that are responsible for clearing certain drugs from the bloodstream as well as activating other drugs as they come into the body. CBD can affect the activity of these enzymes in a similar way that grapefruit juice interacts with liver enzymes. Common drugs processed by the relevant CYP450 enzymes include:
• Antibiotics
• Antiarrhythmic drugs
• Immunosuppressant drugs
• Anti-fungal drugs
• Blood thinners such as Warfarin
Another area of concern is drug interactions with Tylenol or ibuprofen. A recent report by the Australian government reviewed the scientific evidence and concluded that lower levels of CBD from hemp (60 mg CBD and below) has an “accepted safety profile for an over-the-counter medicine, including minimal drug-drug interactions”. However, the scientific evidence is still emerging, and Tylenol and ibuprofen carry risk taken by themselves, so we always recommend talking to your doctor before starting any dietary supplements like CBD-rich hemp extracts.
And can CBD make me high?
While CBD is a component of cannabis (one of hundreds), CBD does do not cause any feelings of intoxication or get you "high". In addition, the World Health Organization (WHO) has concluded that CBD exhibits no effects indicative of any abuse or dependence potential.
Could I fail a drug test?
PlusCBD products contain very low, legal levels of THC. Due to the wide variation in individual metabolism of THC vs. CBD, we recommend that individuals who are required not to fail a drug test to avoid all hemp-derived products, hemp protein products, hemp seed products, poppy seed products, and cold medicines to avoid any issues with the testing. This would include PlusCBD products as well.
Can CBD cause liver toxicity?
PlusCBD products are derived from hemp and they contain moderate levels of CBD. These products are safe when used as directed in healthy people. Research studies have demonstrated that high intakes of CBD may elevate liver enzymes in some patients.
The same effects have not been found with lower levels of CBD consumed as a supplement. Here's a recent meta-review that summarizes the current literature on the hepatic safety of CBD as well as a review of the clinical data.
CV Sciences has conducted research to establish our hemp extracts as safe when used as directed. However, individuals with liver disease or who take medication should talk to their healthcare provider before starting CBD.
Will CBD wake me up? Will it put me to sleep?
There is emerging that CBD can help sleep quality and helps most people get a more restful night. However, like many natural compounds there is a small subset of people that find CBD energizing and prefer to take CBD when they want to be focused and alert. Substances like caffeine are similar, with some individuals being highly sensitive to the stimulating effect, while others can take a nap after an espresso. The endocannabinoid system is unique and there can be a range of responses.
Conclusion: How safe is CBD?
If you get the right CBD, it’s remarkably safe. Everyone’s system is different – and it’s always important to start low and go slow – but there’s a reason that the cannabinoids in hemp like CBD have been used for health all throughout human history. They balance and strengthen our endocannabinoid system, our system of homeostasis and balance.
Adverse health effects tend to be mild and self-limiting. The safety profile of CBD-rich hemp extracts is one of the reasons that consumers and healthcare providers are using CBD. They work, and they enhance health.
Try one of our CBD Oils, CBD Gummies or CBD Softgel Capsules today to see what hemp CBD can do for you.